INA-MHPE Conference 2022 held by the Department of Medical, Health Professions Education, and Bioethics, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), in co-operation with Department of Medical Education Universitas Indonesia (UI) and Medical Education Unit, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga (UA). We invite leaders and educators in Indonesia and overseas to join the international congress focusing on “Towards the New Normal Era: Character Building and Competence Development in Medical and Health Professions Education”. This is an opportunity for leaders, educators and those who have the same vision, to connect and collaborate, to learn an update for a better health care professions education.

Indonesian Medical and Health professions Education conference (INA - MHPEC) is proposed to be an annual congress, stems from an idea to collaborate with several national reputable universities that have strong commitment to enhance medical education area and those who have department or unit of medical education in their faculty. We agreed to hold an integrated scientific forum in medical education and health professions; in conjunction with Previous JAKMED (Jakarta Meeting on Medical Education) held by Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, JIT (Jogja Rendezvous for Transformation and Innovation in Medical Education) held by Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada, and SUME (Surabaya Update on Medical Education) held by Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, and also annual scientific meeting of professional organizations of PERPIPKI (Perhimpunan Pengkaji Ilmu Pendidikan Kedokteran Indonesia), AIPKI (Asosiasi Institusi Pendidikan Kedokteran Indonesia), IAMHPE (Indonesian College of Health Professions Education), AIDIPROKESI (Asosiasi Ahli Pendidikan Profesi Kesehatan Indonesia).

The 2022 INA MHPEC is in conjunction with the 13th JAKMED the 4th JIT, the 5th SUME, PERPIPKI scientific meeting, AIPKI scientific meeting, 2nd IAM HPE scientific meeting, and AIDIPROKESI scientific meeting. The 2022 INA-MHPEC also supported by the JCOEMPH (Journal of Community Empowerment for Health).

INA-MHPEC 2022 accommodates various medical and health professions disciplines that provide a platform where the researchers can interact with each other. The medical and other health professions disciplines are divided into 3 review topics:

- Curriculum, Teaching-learning, Assessment, Faculty Development
- Undergraduate-preclinical, Undergraduate-clinical, Postgraduate, CME/CPD
- Humanism and Professionalism, Clinical Skills, Communication Skills, Basic Science, Reflective Skills, Clinical Decision Making, Health Management, and others

This is a good opportunity for those who are interested in the above topics, such as medical students and health professional researchers, educators, clinicians, medical administrators, HPE leaders, and managers around the world to share the knowledge and current best-practice in medical education and health profession’s areas.

Important Dates

December 20th 2021Abstract Submission Open
April 30th 2022Abstract Submission Deadline
May 15th 2022Accepted Abstract Announcement
May 16th 2022Full Paper Submission Open
May 31st 2022Early bird registration closed
June 30th 2022Registration closed
July 5th-6th 2022INA-MHPE Conference
July 31st 2022Full paper submission closed
August 1st-31st 2022Paper/ manuscript Review
August - September 2022Manuscript writing workshops
October 30th 2022Deadline of revised fullpaper
November 30th 2022Confirmation of manuscript acceptance

Conference Poster
