General Requirements

  1. Papers submitted must be original work and should not have been previously published or presented at another meeting.
  2. Papers should be written in English (US).
  3. Abstract should be no more than 200 words (excluding abstract title, authors, and affiliations), with A4 Paper size in DOC or PDF format.
  4. For submission purpose, PDF format required to uploaded in the manuscript section at EDAS.
  5. For both primary and co-authors, credentials along with their full names and email addresses must be included.
  6. If co-authors are from different institutions, the secondary institution(s) and the institution investigators are associate with must be listed. Papers topic should conform to the scope of the conference/symposium.

Writing Style

Papers must be written in the format provided below:

  1. The template provided in Ms Word 2007 and saved as a “Word 97–2003 Document” for the PC, provides authors with most of the formatting specifications needed for preparing electronic versions of their papers.
  2. Margins, column widths, line spacing, and type styles are built-in; examples of the type styles are provided throughout this document and are identified in italic type, within parentheses, following the example
  3. Font: Times New Roman. Size of every part of the manuscript is different.
  4. Graphics: 300 dpi
  5. Maximum page for full paper: 6
  6. Maximum words for abstract: 200

Requirements of INA MHPEC 2022 Full-Paper Manuscript:

  1. The manuscript should be written in ENGLISH
  2. Manuscript length should be 3,500-4,000 words excluding reference list/bibliography.
  3. Citation and bibliographic style should use BMC Med Educ Vancouver style.

Rules for Presentation

  1. Oral and poster presentation scheduled on the 1st day of the conference.
  2. Authors with "Accepted abstract for full paper submission" required to present their manuscript.
  3. Terms and condition for presenter can be retrieved from Conference Fees – INA-MHPEC 2022 ( page.
  4. The Oral Presentation A will be assessed by selected judges. Please mind that each presenter must present their study within 10 minutes and followed by 5 minutes QnA session. A verbal cue will be provided 2 minutes before the 10-minute presentation time. Should participants raise a question to a particular presenter, please type in advance from the Chat menu.
  5. Time allocation for poster presentation is 5 minutes. Each presentation followed by QnA session with the judges and attendees.

Should you have question regarding EDAS System, please read the following article: EDAS Instructions for New User